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   "For you created my inmost being;
                  you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
       I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
                                your works are wonderful,
                                                            I know that full well."
 Psalm 139:13-14

For many of us within the LGBTQIA+ Community, we have been cast out of the church.  How many times have you been condemned, shunned, or even abused in Jesus' name?  How many years did you try to "pray the gay away" hoping to find redemption and be "cured" of your "lifestyle" choices.  The fear and abuse is/was real.  Whatever your story is, I know there is healing!  

The church believes ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, then why can't we believe it's possible for Him to love us just as we are.... right where we are?  We are saved through faith by grace... that's it!  The fear and control used by the church is not yours anymore.  You no longer have to carry the burden you serve a heartless God who doesn't love or accept you.  


I am claiming this promise for you now.  If you are reading this and feeling abandoned, isolated/alone, heartbroken, despair, grief, anxiety, fear, or even suicidal from your abuse and trauma - PLEASE KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Reach out to me!  I have been where you are and you can overcome this.  I am living proof!  My story didn't have to end and neither does yours.  You're beautiful, your life has value, meaning and purpose.  


Spiritual abuse and trauma can happen to anyone who is vulnerable.  People reach out seeking help trusting the guidance they receive.  I also believe narcissists exist in many different areas of life and not just in romantic relationships.  A church can fit this description as well.  Lack of empathy, gas lighting, isolation, abuse, manipulation and control are all forms of abuse.  They may tell you they are "doing this for your own good," but please be mindful!  This is a big, red flag!   (Check out my 5 signs of a narcissist page for more info.)

Examples include:
1.) You're living in sin and must turn from your evil ways in order to find favor with God/Christ
2.) The devil is in you OR demons have possessed you and they must be cast out
3.) You're instructed to "pray the gay away" - with God's help you will be healed
4.) The "God created one man and one woman" speech
5.) You're told you are "sick" and need to be submitted to therapy or even shock therapy to "cure" you
6.) You are secluded or even cast out/disowned by family members, friends or the church itself  

These are just a few of the things people have shared with me over the years of what they've endured throughout their life.  I, myself, have had many of these experiences as well.


I want to teach you tools and techniques that can release the things that have been engrained in your head and heart.  No more living in fear!  You deserve love and to THRIVE in your life!  If you are reading this and need more information or support, please reach out to me! or at 775-420-9042

You can also join my private facebook group Heartmark Healing and Empowerment.  Here you'll be surrounded by a safe, supported community.  Clink the link below. 





You can book a one on one private healing and empowerment session here.  I sincerely believe when investing in your own well-being you will see a shift in your life.  Within 3 months, you will have the tools needed to find spiritual freedom!
You can view the outline of what you'll learn as you heal and grow from my freedom from narcissists page.


I wanted to set the intention for this to be a space of healing.  Please watch the video below if you want to get a feel for who I am.  I know many need to put a face to the person they will be working with.  I honor, I value and I love all those I help.  I'm sending you unconditional love and light today.  You are wonderfully made!!  

In His Unfailing Love,


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